رسم ذئب في العاصفة 01


Wolf in Stormy Weather Photoshop Tutorial


Step 1

First of all, in this work will use a specific brush, of lightning, in the link you will find it for downloading and installing it is simple, but I'll go early so that when you open it is already within PS:
After download, get the ABR file, go to My Computer > System C > Program Files > Adobe Photoshop > Presets > Brushes, and put in this folder. Now we can start the PS, the brush will be there.
Well I still use CS3... Let's start...
In File > New, we will open a new document:
  • Width:1535
  • Height:1910

Step 2

Then open the image of the wolf and cut out.
I use the Pen Tool to cut, I will show how (because not all people know):
In the tools menu select the Pen Tool and the Path palette, Create a New Path.
Go back to layers and the image of the wolf start to cut. You can always use the spacebar to move the image making it easier to cut. No need to cut perfectly, because soon we will work better in wolf's hair.

Step 3

After finishing the wolf, even in the Palette Path click the Load Path Selection, you will see that the image is selected. Give a Ctrl + J so that only the wolf is cut, name this layer "wolf". Delete the Path, but keep the original copy of the wolf below so we can reproduce the hair according to the original. Name "original" and click on the "little eye" to hide it temporarily. Let's open the image of the wall, place in a layer below the wolves and cut. We use the same process was used to cut the wolf. But who may prefer to use the Polygonal Lasso Tool, depending on the affinity that each has with the tools.

Step 4

After cutting, we have to hit the wolf paws on the fence. For this we use the Warp Tool. Go to Edit > Transform > Warp.
Adjust the legs so that they are at the wall.

Step 5

Then back to the wall, let's apply some color in it. We could use the Clipping Mask now, however, as I use the CS3 and my computer does not help me much (he's old!), I avoid letting my psd is too heavy, so in a way that I think also simple and fast. In the wall layer go to menu Image > Adjustments > Photo Filter > Cooling Filter (80) in 70%, clic in Preserve Luminosity box.

Step 6

After applying the filter, duplicate the layer of the wall and change the blend to Multiply 100%. Ctrl + E to merge the layers of the wall and name: wall.

Step 7

On the keyboard: CTRL + U to open the Hue / Saturation box, saturation -35.
On the keyboard: Ctrl + L for Levels box, leave at 0.80.
The wall begins to darken.

Step 8

Beneath all the layers we will open the city's image. On the keyboard: W to select Magic Tool > Tolerance 32, let's click in the sky, the tones are similar, it will fill the entire sky. Delete.

Step 9

Open the stock of new sky, and enter the layer behind the buildings to assemble the background.

Step 11

In the layer of the buildings, go to Image> Adjustments> Brightness / Contrast and leave like this:
  • Brightness: -150
  • Contrast: -50

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