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Preview of Final Results
Create a Manipulation in Photoshop with fake-fisheye perspective.
- Rock Formation -
- Desert -
- Statue - rick--hunter
- Fireworks -
Step 1
a new file in Photoshop.It should be about 7200 pixels wide by 4800
pixels high and 300dpi of resolution.(You can do half this sizes if this
is to big for you to work in).
Step 2
the Rock formation stock image into your document and rotate it
slightly towards one side.This will helps us start building our
place the desert stock image right on top of the rock formation layer
and rotate it to match their position. You can lower this layer's
opacity if you are having trouble matching them.
a layer mask to the desert layer and using a Soft brush (B) hardness 0%
erase the top part of the image so that the horizon matches the rock
formation and they blend with each other:
Step 3
we are going to start working on the blending between the two images.
First we need to match the color of the sand on the desert stock with
the rock formation image.Go to Image>Adjustments>Levels (or
Ctrl+L)and apply the next settings to match the lightning:
Now go to Image>Adjustments>Hue and Saturation to adjust the color:
Go to Image>Adjustments>Brightness and Contrast to do the final adjusting:
This is how your image should look like:
Step 4
we matched most of the color on both images,they are not quite blended
yet,they need to have a smoother transition between them.To fix this we
are going to use the Cloning Stamp Tool (S) to soften the edges where
the two blend.Create a new layer on top of the desert images,with the
Clone tool selected, take a soft (0% hardness) large round brush with
the opacity set to 45% and the sample option set to "Current and Below".
While holding Alt click somewhere in the image that will be the source
point we are going to clone.Once you selected your source point,brush
over the edges of the image where both Deserts meet.
Sample new sources as much as you need. Do the same along the edge to blend both images together.
Keep repeating this step until your blending looks something like this:
Step 5
all your layers and merge them together.(Ctrl+E)You can duplicate them
and save them for later if you wish to have a backup before merging
them. We need to flatten this layers to a single one because we are
going to distort it to make the weird looking perspective effect. Once
you have your layers merged,go to Edit>Transform>Warp and curve
the image like in the example below:
Try and experiment while doing this, it might need some time to get the desired result well done.
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